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About LawyerMeUp

Empowering Legal Professionals, Owners and Managers with Comprehensive and Accessible legal information on all things Business


LawyerMeUp provides educational articles on business, commercial, and contracts law. Our mission is to give businesspeople peace of mind through effective management of legal risk and our purpose is to help busy in-house lawyers manage their never ending workload, at the same time providing easy to understand legal education for non-lawyers in all industries and at all levels.

We do this by breaking down complex legal concepts into easily understandable, plain English articles that drive performance by removing fear of the unknown and increasing confidence. Questions like:

Is my business compliant with law?

How should I document a deal?

What policies does my business need?

I’m in dispute with a customer or contracting party, where do I start?

are all answered here.

Our articles help a wide range of individuals involved in business, including in-house lawyers, officers and directors, executives, managers, owners (sole traders), and even legal and business students, to understand the commercial legal framework that influences many of the decisions they make on a daily basis.

Some of our articles deal with broad areas of law, such as dispute resolution, workforce, insurance and property issues affecting business (including leasing and licensing).

Some deal with precise questions or issues, such as when you need a legally binding agreement or when a non-binding one will do, how you can effectively vary a contract, and who has authority to contract on behalf of a business.

Some provide practical tips, such as how to run checks on another contracting party so you have a full understanding of who you are really dealing with and the fundamentals of their financial and commercial stability.

Exploring Key Legal Topics for Business Success and Compliance

Our comprehensive articles cover a wide range of essential business topics with legal implications, including entering into agreements with employees and independent contractors, emerging and established workplace laws including issues such as discrimination and bullying, effective business policies including in relation to privacy, data collection and use, contract negotiation and ongoing management, commercial and retail leases, business insurance, laws affecting your dealings with small business customers and consumers, managing credit and debt recovery, ways to resolve disputes, company directors and officers duties, relationships between shareholders and joint venturers, and insolvency.

Designed to be accessible, quick to read and user-friendly, our articles provide immediate, practical answers to common questions faced by in-house lawyers, company directors and officers, executives, managers, and sole traders. Leverage a small time investment in reading, to gain peace of mind that you are mitigating your legal risk and managing your responsibilities more efficiently and effectively.

Legal information for all levels of business. Right Here. Right Now.

Navigating Regulatory Landscapes for Legal Compliance and Strong Policy and Procedure Development

Smiling businesswoman talking with subordinated about reports

LawyerMeUp empowers businesses to reduce their legal risk and operate more effectively and efficiently through understanding the commercial regulatory framework and how to stay compliant with established and evolving laws.

Wondering what business policies you should have in place to manage your workforce, customer relationships, use of technology and work health and safety? You’ll find answers here.

Spend your time growing your business rather than worrying about it!

Education about business law topics in bite sized chunks.
Your people will perform at a higher level and you can focus on doing what you do best - running your business.

Karen Christopher portrait image

Why Trust LawyerMeUp?

Our Editor, Karen Christopher, has practised commercial law in Australia for more than 30 years, and still regularly advises her clients on the legal areas explored in these articles. The idea for LawyerMeUp was born out of her experiences over more than 10 years as a sole in-house lawyer in the government, government related and aviation industries, during which she spent a lot of time researching business related laws to help her clients:

get deals done effectively,

negotiate and manage a constant stream of contracts,

advise their governing boards and C Suite executives; and

ensure their businesses remain compliant with ever changing laws, regulations and requirements of statutory bodies.

LawyerMeUp is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to increase the productivity of all people involved in a business. For less than the cost of an hour of a senior lawyers time, you get full access to our complete library as it grows.

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