I want further information – How can I find the right lawyer?

Your business may already work with a trusted legal adviser, but if it doesn’t, then a good place to start is the Law Society in your State or Territory. Law Societies can provide you with a list of lawyers practising in the area that you need advice or representation on. LawyerMeUp is not affiliated with any particular law firm and cannot make individual referrals.

Other trusted professionals (for example your Accountant) can often help you with finance related legal documentation or point you in the right direction to find the right legal help for your issue.

Why are there no template legal documents on this site? Where can I find them?

There is usually significant legal and commercial risk involved in drafting your own documents, especially where legal relationships are being formed through contracting. That is why LawyerMeUp aims to give you the information you need about the law, leaving it to you to assess the risk and decide whether you should consult a lawyer. If the matter is simple and low risk enough to draft documents yourself, then there are a number of places you’ll find template documents that you can use. Go to the Handy Links page for a list of organisations that often have simple but effective legal and policy template documents for use by business. There are also subscriber services that offer legal template documents for purchase.

Real Estate Institutes in each State and Territory often provide a range of resources and publications, including template lease documents for use by landlords, tenants and real estate agents.

Government based Consumer and Business Services sites in each State and Territory have a wealth of advice and information available about dispute resolution methods and court processes, as well as all the template documents you will need to commence an action. You’ll also find information here about particular business licensing requirements in your State or Territory.